Comodo PositiveSSL
P ositiveSSL is one of the most popular and inexpensive SSL certificates in the industry. This hassle-free certificate is the ideal choice for websites where the brand’s trust is already established and organization verification is not needed. It’s ideal for securing low-volume e-commerce websites. This SSL certificate is recommended for basic and starting eCommerce sites. This is typically the cheapest and most simple way to get an SSL certificate and use https on your web site (usually required for taking credit card transactions).
Comodo InstantSSL
I nstantSSL is an affordable professional-level certificate. It verifies the company behind the website as well as domain name and carries a $50,000 warranty. This full business-validated certificate provides improved credibility and consumer trust. Each InstantSSL Certificate comes with a FREE Corner of TrustLogo. This SSL certificate is recommended for small to medium sized sites who need Organization Validation in addition to a basic SSL. This is a middle of the road solution between a basic SSL and a business validation SSL.
GeoTrust Extended Validation (EV) SSL
A True BusinessID with EV certificate is an inexpensive SSL solution for sites that need to prove authenticity or risk transaction abandonment. True BusinessID with EV certificates can turn the address bar of high-security browsers green (more noticeable in some browsers than others). This visible sign increases customers’ confidence, since they can see the authenticated and trustworthiness of your site. This certificate is the most difficult to set up since it requires your business to be fully verified by GeoTrust.